Temple Etiquette

Etiquette is an important practice in itself that sets a tone and mindset of all those present.
We kindly ask attendees follow these simple etiquette rules while visiting us. Also if you can, please help in fastidiousness with set up before and after the service.

What to wear

For comfort, we advise you wear loose fitting clothing that you are able to sit in for long periods. Casual clothes are fine, preferably muted colors without large writing or busy designs, modest not too revealing, clean without strong scents. You are welcome to wear meditation clothing (samue or similar) or Buddha-Dharma practice robe (kesa, etc) if you have them.

Etiquette while in the practice space

  • Always remove your shoes in the genkan entryway before stepping into a Dharma hall practice space. By the door are a bench and shoe racks where you may take off and leave your shoes.
  • A common gesture to greet anyone or sacred items is by bowing. 

  • Gasshogassho_small.jpg(palms together in front of your heart) and bow to the room upon entering the hondō (main hall) or dōjō ("place of the path").

  • To be respectful of Dharma materials such Buddha images, Sutra texts, and service booklets, avoid placing them directly on the floor or stepping over them.

  • Please keep cell phones and electronics in silent mode during the service.
  • Before sitting, put your hands together in gassho and bow to the honzon (main Buddha image), turn face the person or space across from your seat, then sit.
  • When leaving your seat, stand up, gassho and bow to the person across from you, turn to and bow to the honzon, then proceed.
  • If you are able sit without injuring yourself in seiza (sitting on kneeling position which can be aided by a seiza bench or zafu cushion) seiza illustration that is the formal seated posture during otsutome liturgy chanting with hands in gassho and/or holding the text at 45 degrees.
  • When passing the honzon (central main icon on the altar), stop to face the Buddha image, gassho and bow, then continue to walk past.

  • When leaving the room, gassho and bow to the room before exiting.
  • An alms bowl for dana (Skt. Dāna, Jp. fuse 布施 practice of generosity) will be near the entrance and rear of the room. You may also donate online. Any donation will be gratefully accepted to sustain running the temple and Sangha activities. While all clergy and lay leaders are unpaid volunteers, we have expenses such as rent, insurance, online service fees, and supplies.